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疗 (liáo): 医治,治病。 English meaning: to treat, to cure.
聊 (liáo): 依靠; 暂且; 略微; 无事做,闲谈。 English meaning: to rely on; for the time being; slightly; to chat, to while away time.
寥 (liáo): 空旷,稀少。 English meaning: desolate, sparse, few.
嘹 (liáo): 声音响亮。 English meaning: loud and clear (sound).
潦 (liáo): 本义指雨水大而长; 也指积水。 English meaning: torrential rain; floodwater.
寮 (liáo): 小屋,棚子。 English meaning: hut, shed.
拼音 [liǎo] 的汉字及其释义及英语含义
了 (liǎo): 明白,懂得; 完成,结束; 在动词后,表示动作或情况可能实现; 表示完全,全然; 用在动词或形容词后,表示程度极高。 English meaning: to understand, to know; to finish, to complete; (particle indicating possibility or completion); completely, entirely; (intensifier).
钌 (liǎo): 一种金属元素,符号Po,原子序数84,是镭衰变产物,有放射性。 English meaning: Polonium (Po), a radioactive metallic element.
蓼 (liǎo): 一年生草本植物,种类很多,有的叶子味辛辣,有的可以入药。 English meaning: knotweed, smartweed, various Polygonum plants (some pungent and medicinal).
憭 (liǎo): 明白,清楚。 English meaning: clear, understanding, to understand.
燎 (liǎo): 烧,烤; 烫; 火光。 English meaning: to burn, to scorch; to scald; flames.
潦 (liǎo): 雨后积水; (文字)草率,不清晰。(与[liáo] 音的“潦”不同义) English meaning: rainwater after rain; (writing) sloppy, illegible.
瞭 (liǎo): 明白,清楚; 远望。 English meaning: to understand clearly; to look into distance, to survey.
拼音 [liào] 的汉字及其释义及英语含义
料 (liào): 估计,推测; 预想到的情况; 材料,事物的基本成分; 喂牲畜的食物; 管理,照管。 English meaning: to estimate, to guess; expected situation; material, ingredient; animal feed; to manage, to take care of.
廖 (liào): 稀疏,空旷; 姓氏。 English meaning: sparse, few; surname Liao.
镣 (liào): 套在脚腕上的刑具。 English meaning: shackles, fetters.
拼音 [ruan] 的汉字及其释义及英语含义
拼音 [ruān] 的汉字及其释义及英语含义
堧 (ruān): 墙基。 English meaning: foundation of a wall.
拼音 [ruán] 的汉字及其释义及英语含义
壖 (ruán): 城墙两旁的空地。 English meaning: open space beside city wall.
拼音 [ruǎn] 的汉字及其释义及英语含义
软 (ruǎn): 柔,与“硬”相对; 懦弱,没有气力; 容易被感动或动摇; 指不厉害,容易欺负; 指不坚强,动摇; 指声音柔和; 指不牢固; 指不结实; 指不硬朗; 指能力、水平不高。 English meaning: soft, flexible (opposite of hard); weak, feeble; easily moved or swayed; not tough, easily bullied; irresolute; gentle (sound); not firm; not solid; not sturdy; lacking in ability.
阮 (ruǎn): 姓氏; 中国古代一种乐器,圆形琴身,有长颈,四根弦。 English meaning: Ruan (surname); Ruan (a Chinese plucked string instrument, moon lute).
朊 (ruǎn): 古同“软”。 English meaning: same as "软" (soft) in ancient Chinese.
緛 (ruǎn): 古同“软”。 English meaning: same as "软" (soft) in ancient Chinese.
拼音 [ruàn] 的汉字及其释义及英语含义
礤 (ruàn): 同“碨”,指磨食物的器具; 摩擦。 English meaning: grindstone for food; to rub, to grind.
撩软: 撩: to lift; 软: soft. 字面意思:lift soft. English meaning: to lift something soft.
撩阮: 撩: to lift; 阮: Ruan (surname/instrument). 字面意思:lift Ruan. English meaning: to lift Ruan (person/instrument).
撩朊: 撩: to lift; 朊: soft (archaic). 字面意思:lift soft (archaic). English meaning: to lift something soft (archaic).
撩緛: 撩: to lift; 緛: soft (archaic). 字面意思:lift soft (archaic). English meaning: to lift something soft (archaic).
撩堧: 撩: to lift; 堧: wall foundation. 字面意思:lift wall foundation. English meaning: to lift the wall foundation.
撩壖: 撩: to lift; 壖: open space by city wall. 字面意思:lift open space by city wall. English meaning: to lift open space by city wall.
撩礤: 撩: to lift; 礤: grindstone/to grind. 字面意思:lift grindstone/grind. English meaning: to lift grindstone/grind.
辽软: 辽: distant; 软: soft. 字面意思:distant soft. English meaning: distant and soft.
疗软: 疗: to cure; 软: soft. 字面意思:cure soft. English meaning: to cure softness/weakness.
疗阮: 疗: to cure; 阮: Ruan (surname/instrument). 字面意思:cure Ruan. English meaning: to cure Ruan (person/instrument).
疗朊: 疗: to cure; 朊: soft (archaic). 字面意思:cure soft (archaic). English meaning: to cure softness/weakness (archaic).
疗緛: 疗: to cure; 緛: soft (archaic). 字面意思:cure soft (archaic). English meaning: to cure softness/weakness (archaic).
疗堧: 疗: to cure; 堧: wall foundation. 字面意思:cure wall foundation. English meaning: to cure the wall foundation.
疗壖: 疗: to cure; 壖: open space by city wall. 字面意思:cure open space by city wall. English meaning: to cure open space by city wall.
疗礤: 疗: to cure; 礤: grindstone/to grind. 字面意思:cure grindstone/grind. English meaning: to cure grindstone/grind.
聊软: 聊: to chat/slightly; 软: soft. 字面意思:chat soft/slightly soft. English meaning: to chat about softness/slightly soft.
聊阮: 聊: to chat/slightly; 阮: Ruan (surname/instrument). 字面意思:chat Ruan/slightly Ruan. English meaning: to chat about Ruan (person/instrument)/slightly Ruan.
聊朊: 聊: to chat/slightly; 朊: soft (archaic). 字面意思:chat soft (archaic)/slightly soft (archaic). English meaning: to chat about softness/weakness (archaic)/slightly soft (archaic).
聊緛: 聊: to chat/slightly; 緛: soft (archaic). 字面意思:chat soft (archaic)/slightly soft (archaic). English meaning: to chat about softness/weakness (archaic)/slightly soft (archaic).
聊堧: 聊: to chat/slightly; 堧: wall foundation. 字面意思:chat wall foundation/slightly wall foundation. English meaning: to chat about wall foundation/slightly wall foundation.
聊壖: 聊: to chat/slightly; 壖: open space by city wall. 字面意思:chat open space by city wall/slightly open space by city wall. English meaning: to chat about open space by city wall/slightly open space by city wall.
聊礤: 聊: to chat/slightly; 礤: grindstone/to grind. 字面意思:chat grindstone/grind/slightly grindstone/grind. English meaning: to chat about grindstone/grind/slightly grindstone/grind.
寥软: 寥: sparse; 软: soft. 字面意思:sparse soft. English meaning: sparse and soft.
嘹软: 嘹: loud and clear; 软: soft. 字面意思:loud and clear soft. English meaning: loud and clear but soft/weak.
嘹阮: 嘹: loud and clear; 阮: Ruan (surname/instrument). 字面意思:loud and clear Ruan. English meaning: loud and clear Ruan (person/instrument).
嘹朊: 嘹: loud and clear; 朊: soft (archaic). 字面意思:loud and clear soft (archaic). English meaning: loud and clear but soft/weak (archaic).
嘹緛: 嘹: loud and clear; 緛: soft (archaic). 字面意思:loud and clear soft (archaic). English meaning: loud and clear but soft/weak (archaic).
嘹堧: 嘹: loud and clear; 堧: wall foundation. 字面意思:loud and clear wall foundation. English meaning: loud and clear wall foundation.
嘹壖: 嘹: loud and clear; 壖: open space by city wall. 字面意思:loud and clear open space by city wall. English meaning: loud and clear open space by city wall.
嘹礤: 嘹: loud and clear; 礤: grindstone/to grind. 字面意思:loud and clear grindstone/grind. English meaning: loud and clear grindstone/grind.
潦软 (liáo ruǎn): 潦: torrential rain; 软: soft. 字面意思:torrential rain soft. English meaning: torrential rain and soft (implying weakness or vulnerability in face of heavy rain).
潦阮 (liáo ruǎn): 潦: torrential rain; 阮: Ruan (surname/instrument). 字面意思:torrential rain Ruan. English meaning: torrential rain and Ruan (person/instrument).
潦朊 (liáo ruǎn): 潦: torrential rain; 朊: soft (archaic). 字面意思:torrential rain soft (archaic). English meaning: torrential rain and soft (archaic).
潦緛 (liáo ruǎn): 潦: torrential rain; 緛: soft (archaic). 字面意思:torrential rain soft (archaic). English meaning: torrential rain and soft (archaic).
潦堧 (liáo ruǎn): 潦: torrential rain; 堧: wall foundation. 字面意思:torrential rain wall foundation. English meaning: torrential rain and wall foundation.
潦壖 (liáo ruǎn): 潦: torrential rain; 壖: open space by city wall. 字面意思:torrential rain open space by city wall. English meaning: torrential rain and open space by city wall.
潦礤 (liáo ruǎn): 潦: torrential rain; 礤: grindstone/to grind. 字面意思:torrential rain grindstone/grind. English meaning: torrential rain and grindstone/grind.
潦软 (liǎo ruǎn): 潦: rainwater after rain; 软: soft. 字面意思:rainwater after rain soft. English meaning: rainwater after rain and soft.
潦阮 (liǎo ruǎn): 潦: rainwater after rain; 阮: Ruan (surname/instrument). 字面意思:rainwater after rain Ruan. English meaning: rainwater after rain and Ruan (person/instrument).
潦朊 (liǎo ruǎn): 潦: rainwater after rain; 朊: soft (archaic). 字面意思:rainwater after rain soft (archaic). English meaning: rainwater after rain and soft (archaic).
潦緛 (liǎo ruǎn): 潦: rainwater after rain; 緛: soft (archaic). 字面意思:rainwater after rain soft (archaic). English meaning: rainwater after rain and soft (archaic).
潦堧 (liǎo ruǎn): 潦: rainwater after rain; 堧: wall foundation. 字面意思:rainwater after rain wall foundation. English meaning: rainwater after rain and wall foundation.
潦壖 (liǎo ruǎn): 潦: rainwater after rain; 壖: open space by city wall. 字面意思:rainwater after rain open space by city wall. English meaning: rainwater after rain and open space by city wall.
潦礤 (liǎo ruǎn): 潦: rainwater after rain; 礤: grindstone/to grind. 字面意思:rainwater after rain grindstone/grind. English meaning: rainwater after rain and grindstone/grind.
瞭软: 瞭: understand clearly; 软: soft. 字面意思:understand clearly soft. English meaning: to understand clearly the concept of softness/weakness.
瞭阮: 瞭: understand clearly; 阮: Ruan (surname/instrument). 字面意思:understand clearly Ruan. English meaning: to understand clearly Ruan (person/instrument).
瞭朊: 瞭: understand clearly; 朊: soft (archaic). 字面意思:understand clearly soft (archaic). English meaning: to understand clearly the concept of softness/weakness (archaic).
瞭緛: 瞭: understand clearly; 緛: soft (archaic). 字面意思:understand clearly soft (archaic). English meaning: to understand clearly the concept of softness/weakness (archaic).
瞭堧: 瞭: understand clearly; 堧: wall foundation. 字面意思:understand clearly wall foundation. English meaning: to understand clearly the wall foundation (implying fundamental understanding).
瞭壖: 瞭: understand clearly; 壖: open space by city wall. 字面意思:understand clearly open space by city wall. English meaning: to understand clearly the open space by the city wall.
瞭礤: 瞭: understand clearly; 礤: grindstone/to grind. 字面意思:understand clearly grindstone/grind. English meaning: to understand clearly grindstone/grind.
料软: 料: to estimate; 软: soft. 字面意思:estimate soft. English meaning: to estimate something to be soft/weak.
料阮: 料: to estimate; 阮: Ruan (surname/instrument). 字面意思:estimate Ruan. English meaning: to estimate it is Ruan (person/instrument).
料朊: 料: to estimate; 朊: soft (archaic). 字面意思:estimate soft (archaic). English meaning: to estimate something to be soft/weak (archaic).
料緛: 料: to estimate; 緛: soft (archaic). 字面意思:estimate soft (archaic). English meaning: to estimate something to be soft/weak (archaic).
料堧: 料: to estimate; 堧: wall foundation. 字面意思:estimate wall foundation. English meaning: to estimate (something is like) wall foundation.
料壖: 料: to estimate; 壖: open space by city wall. 字面意思:estimate open space by city wall. English meaning: to estimate (something is like) open space by city wall.
料礤: 料: to estimate; 礤: grindstone/to grind. 字面意思:estimate grindstone/grind. English meaning: to estimate (need to use) grindstone/grind.
廖软: 廖: sparse; 软: soft. 字面意思:sparse soft. English meaning: sparse and soft/weak.